Men’s Hair Loss Solutions
Male Pattern Baldness… now affecting over 35 million American men.
Hair loss is thought to be more accepted by men, but actually it does affect their self esteem. Men are losing their hair at a much younger age and some feel its a factor in placing them in the job market and certainly in the dating field. In the recent past it has become quite common to see men shaving their heads and turned into a trend that was not only chic, but socially acceptable even if they had hair. Fast forward to today’s man and you’ll see the trend heading for a much more stylish look as we see on the Red Carpet. Today’s man is not only showing a chic clean hair cut with a very detailed style, but hair color has also grabbed their attention. Today’s man wants HAIR!

Men's Hair Replacement
Men's Hair Replacement
Our men’s hair pieces are designed to match your hair color, a style of your choosing, and are used to cover the top of your head.
Men's Full Wigs
Men's Full Wigs
Our full wigs will cover the entire head and are customized to your shape and hair color.According to the American Hair Loss Association science has done little to help prevent hair loss or to regrow hair and drugs such as Minoxidil and Propecia are said to be marginally effective. While some feel these help to prevent hair from falling out, they never get back the hair they used to have. Surgical hair restoration can cost thousands of dollars, be painful and do not give you the head of hair for today’s look.
Our hair systems mimic the exact look of scalp and are infused with 100% human hair that can be styled to the look you want to achieve. They can also be used in conjunction with surgical procedures.